Greetings P2G Brooklyn Community,

I would like to wish a very Happy New Year to our P2G Family. I trust that you had a wonderful holiday break with friends and family. Wow! We are approach-ing the midyear mark of the school year, and what better way to celebrate than to highlight our students, staff, and community support through this Newsletter. The Newsletter is a great way to share all the wonderful and exciting experiences our community has and will engage in over the course of the year. We will look back at the beginning of the school year and celebrate those experiences, but most importantly, look forward to the upcoming year. This is a time to reflect on the change we want or need to make informed decisions that will ultimately lead to success. We embody success as a Team…Together we are stronger!

A special note of appreciation goes to the Student Support Team that has led the charge with creating and distributing the schoolwide newsletter.

Tiffany Taylor